Sunday, August 25, 2013

Painting Lord Curr's Company

My In Her Majesty's Name orders arrived from North Star Military Figures. I bought Lord Curr's Company. Scotland Yard and The Society of Thule. The set that I wanted to paint first was Lord Curr's. Now, I have not painted 28mm miniatures for a very long time. Lately I've been busy painting up my 15mm French army for Field of Glory Napoleonic.

I opened the box and had a look at the figures. There were more flash than I expected, but the de-flashing task was not unsurmountable. Or that was what I thought. Don't get me wrong: the miniatures were very nice. It's just that the flash seemed to be in the most unlikely spots. I did what I thought was a thorough job clearing out all the problematic areas, washed the miniatures and undercoated them black.

To warm up, I started painting four of the Incorrigibles...and I really enjoyed it. Makes a real change painting 28mms again. I forgot how fun it was to paint 28mms. :)

The painting was not without any untoward incidents. On several miniatures, I discovered what I though were integral parts of the miniatures to be flash, So, I had to temporarily halt the painting to get rid of the flash. This meant I had to scrape away some carefully-applied paint in order to extricate the offending lead abomination and re-paint those parts all over again. These incidences were a little frustrating, but overall, I enjoyed painting the miniatures.

Ready to be undercoated.

The first four lucky Incorrigibles.

Mohan Singh: My favourite miniature from the range and he was what got me into IHMN.

Mohan Singh leads!

These are my favourites too.

Having painted the Company, I can't wait to get them in a game of In Her Majesty's Name. I think I will design  a scenario! The game's afoot!